Client References
AGC, West Texas Chapter
"You've always been our 1st source for "construction law". You've represented our members many times and they have always been appreciative of your efforts and very satisfied with your representation."
Boone & Boone Construction, Ltd.
"We certainly would recommend Harrison Steck to others in need of construction legal counsel."
Buford-Thompson Company
"Buford - Thompson Company has become a better contractor because of our association with Steve Harrison and Henry Steck, Acting on their advice, we have implemented procedures that allow our company to function more efficiently."
Cheatham and Associates
"We value your opinion very highly, in regards to protecting us from common pitfalls of the construction industry. We feel that your recommendations are very thought through, and can be used with the highest confidence."
Component Construction Corporation
"Steve was a licensed and practicing engineer before he went into law, so he easily grasped the engineering issues and was able to translate them to opposing attorneys who weren't so gifted, resolving a controversy that once appeared out of control."
Concrete Penetrating Co.
"This combination of a law degree coupled with a civil engineering degree and several years of real world construction experience gives Steve a unique ability to see through all the issues that come up in a construction dispute."
Freese and Nichols, Inc.
"Your knowledge of construction law, how contractors think, and an aggressive, effective strategy to resolve the issue resulted in a good outcome."
The Frymire Company
"When we have needed your input on issues, both legal and industry concerns, you have always responded in a very positive manner and have been able to achieve favorable outcomes."
Imperial Construction, Inc.
"The team at Harrison Steck have provided sound counsel and defended strongly when needed. I am extremely proud to be represented by Harrison Steck and would recommend them to any firm that is in need of superior services."
Larrison Construction, Inc.
"Thank you very much for your valuable help over the last 10 years, I would recommend your firm to any construction related company looking for specialized legal representation."
Nader Design Group
"...I have always appreciated your honest and even-tempered approach to matters. I call on you not only for advice, but for a realistic perspective on my situation."
O. Trevino Construction, LLC
"The knowledge, timely response, integrity, honesty, and reputation with which your firm transacts it's business are the reasons that we are proud to have you represent us on all legal matters."
Ramtech Building Systems
"Our goal is to provide win-win documents, fair to all parties, that keep us out of the court room...We have found working with your firm to be the best way to do this."
Sedalco, Inc.
"I can truly say that our firm has benefited by our association with you and all the fine team at [Harrison-Steck]. As we have grown, you have been an integral part in the counsel of our leadership."
Steele-Freeman, Inc.
"Whether it is issues with contract language, legal representation or even guidance on minor details regarding construction law, your firm has taken the time, done the proper research, exerted the effort and clearly explained our position to allow us to make the right decisions."
TEXO, Dallas/Fort Worth/East Texas Chapter AGC & ABC
"I would describe Mr. Harrison as a committed, very hard working and smart legal professional, and a team player who carefully weighs all the facts presented before making recommendations."
Waldrop Construction Co. Inc.
"In settling the case through mediation, he stood firm on his belief in our innocence and both protected our reputation and made a settlement which was very favorable to us and our insurance company."
Wier & Associates, Inc.
"...I am always comforted to know that we have not only the best legal representation available when such issues periodically arise, but knowledgeable experienced representation from attorneys who truly understand the design professions and the construction industry."
WHF Electrical Contractors, Inc.
"As a business owner and Chairman of our Board I cannot describe the comfort level that Steve Harrison and his team brings to me in protecting my company from contract problems."
Zeig Electric, Inc.
"Knowing how well your firm understands the construction business and the laws that pertain to it, we always have every confidence that your firm will make the recommendations that will serve us best."